
Understand the Development of Children and Young People in Residential Childcare

University: N/A

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1728
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 187
Organization Selected : N/A


Understanding the growth of young people in residential child care is considered to be very important because this in turn is considered to be very useful because it helps in improving the development of the child which in turn leads to long-term growth of the children (Pinkerton and McCrea, 2018). This study assesses the value of observation at the time of assessment and monitoring process. This study will highlight determining the value of observation at the time of assessment and monitoring process. Furthermore, this study also examines how multidisciplinary teams address the development needs of the child.


1. Evaluating the Value of Observation at the Time of Assessment and Monitoring Process.

Observation is done using sight, smell, touch, and hearing which in turn helps in monitoring the change in the individual who is seeking care (Kendrick, Mitchell and Smith, 2017). Observation is considered to be very important at the time of assessment is because it helps health care practitioners in effectively establishing accurate treatment plans which in turn helps in providing the best residential care to the child. It also tends to result in better care results and outcomes. Observation is considered to be important because it helps in identifying any change in the pattern or condition of the development of the child.  It also helps in illustrating various points related to the risk associated with the child who is seeking residential care. Assessing and monitoring the development of the child in its early years can be done through observation.  Observation is considered to be very important because it helps in active acquisition of the data which in turn is considered to be very useful in assessing the mental, emotional and physical states of the child (The Importance of Observation in Health and Social Care Settings, 2020). A good observation results in turn help in establishing an accurate and detailed treatment plan at the time of providing residential care. It is also important because it helps in assessing the progress of

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